Common Red Flags Recruiters Look For: & How to Avoid Them
An info call is a crucial opportunity to make a positive first impression and demonstrate your qualifications. While it may feel like a low-pressure introduction, recruiters are keenly observing your punctuality, presentation, communication, and attitude. Avoiding these common red flags will not only help you stand out as a strong candidate but also signal to the recruiter that you are professional, thoughtful, and genuinely interested in the opportunity.
Career Resolutions for the New Year: Boost Your Professional Growth in 2025
Our team at DNA* encourages you to embrace the start of a new year and set clear resolutions that empower you to take charge of your professional growth! The steps you take now will set the foundation for a fulfilling and successful 2025. We hope to be a part of your journey as you look for opportunities that fit not only your skill set but your values so you can flourish in your career. We can’t wait to see what 2025 has in store! Happy New Year.
Benefits of Remote Work Environments
The benefits of flexible and remote work are undeniable. The workforce had to evolve and adapt over the pandemic. They are focused on the future and are not interested in looking backwards to old systems and policies that no longer serve them. As remote work continues to be seen as the standard, companies should consider the long-term advantages of offering flexible work arrangements to retain top talent and create work environments that foster long lasting employment.
Benefits of Having a Trusted Talent Partner
Whether you're a startup, scaling business, or an enterprise organization, partnering with a dedicated talent expert can enhance your recruitment strategy and provide your company with a competitive advantage in the job market. A talent partnership helps your company attract top talent, boost employee retention, and save time, money, and resources. Here’s how…
Introducing DNA* Premium+
DNA* Premium+ – a high-touch, skills focused, customized recruitment experience designed for organizations seeking top-tier tech talent. Combining the power of DNA*’s platform and intelligent matching algorithm with personalized, expert recruitment support from a dedicated DNA* Talent Partner, it offers a seamless and highly efficient process for connecting employers with the right talent.
Hiring Trends to Leave in 2024
2024 is coming to a close and with that new resolutions for the new year are in order. It’s time to leave behind habits that are no longer serving us and make room for new processes and tools - that includes how we hire and recruit in 2025.
What to Consider When Building Your Career
Finding the right job opportunity goes beyond applying to a posting that is looking for your experience and skill set. It requires you to take a deeper look and consider how the work environment, culture, and values of the company aligns with your career goals, personal preferences, and long-term ambitions.
Upskilling vs. Reskilling: Two Paths for Career Growth
Upskilling and reskilling have become synonymous with career development in 2024. These buzzwords are not just trends for this current job market but essential approaches to ensure you have agency over your career. Both methods give individuals the opportunity to learn new skills and to sharpen current skill sets, however they have different impacts on the trajectory of your career.
Reclaiming Your Power: Using Interviews To Determine Job Fit
Interviews are a tool for employers to gather enough information to find the right person for the job, but they are also an opportunity for interviewees to determine whether the opportunity, company, and interview experience is compatible with their values, career, and experience. No matter a candidate’s circumstance - unemployed, actively seeking, or passively looking - an interview should be approached as an opportunity to conduct their own assessment.
A New Era, Resume Free
This antiquated document only hinders the advancements and evolution of how we find work and how we hire people. Rather than implementing new technologies and advancements only to be anchored down and limited by this outdated requirement, we suggest taking a new approach that meets the needs of the modern job market by saying goodbye to the resume and joining Do Not Apply (DNA*).
Effective Talent Acquisition: Adapting Approaches to Fill Vacancies Now
Currently, there is a clear barrier in converting these applicants to employees that is caused by the processes, ideologies, and systems utilized in hiring and recruitment. Companies have become complacent in their expectation in finding the perfect fit rather than adjusting or improvising to meet the current needs of the organization.
Stigmatizing Career Breaks: How Resumes Reinforce Bias Against Job Seekers
When reviewing a resume, a recruiter makes a lot of assumptions that determine if the candidate is a potential fit for the role. Having never talked to the person or interacted with them outside of their application or resume, assumptions are used to save time and create a resemblance of efficiency in the recruitment process, especially when hundreds of applicants are involved. Certain characteristics are categorized as “red flags” and lead evaluators to take a pause when determining legitimacy or quality of experiences and character.
Shaking Up Hiring & Career Development
A pillar of any successful and competitive company is the ability to innovate by adapting to new technologies, tools, and processes...
Are you being ghosted?!?
Getting ghosted is no longer reserved for the dating scene, it is now a very common experience in the job market.
Open Beta is HERE!
Ready for the next wave of hiring? Here's how to get started.
Repairing Employment Loyalty: Modern Approaches to an Outdated Dynamic
Generation X and Baby Boomers were brought up in a time where one of the key markers of success was a person’s tenure at a company...