Find your people

DNA matches you to the most qualified job-seekers by comparing experience, values and background.

Shred the resumes. Select from qualified candidates.

Tired of sifting through endless resumes and conducting countless introductory calls, only to find candidates who don't meet your company needs or values? Us too.

Finding the most qualified candidate isn't just about skills and qualifications anymore — it's also about finding individuals who align with your company culture and values. And that’s where DNA comes in.

Your team has better things to do than sift through applications written by ChatGPT

Post your job: Share your job requirements, desired experience, and most importantly, the values you cherish in your team.

Connect directly: Skip the application pile and introductory calls. Start conversations with pre-qualified talent who are genuinely excited about your opportunity.

We find the matches: Our advanced algorithms analyze your criteria and match you with candidates who not only have the skills, but also share your vision and values.

Why DNA over the traditional way?

Say goodbye to spending wasted hours on unqualified candidates. Now, focus on meaningful interactions with people who you already know will be a good fit.

Save (a lot of) time

Build a team of individuals who not only want to excel within their careers, but also contribute positively to your company culture.

Enhance your company’s culture

Stand out from the competition by showcasing your commitment to finding the right fit for your team, not just filling a vacant position.

Attract top talent

Ready to find your next unicorn?