Hiring Trends to Leave in 2024
2024 is coming to a close and with that new resolutions for the new year are in order. It’s time to leave behind habits that are no longer serving us and make room for new processes and tools - that includes how we hire and recruit in 2025.
Like any bad habit, these trends at one point may have served you well enough. However, you have now become somewhat reliant or unaware of how limiting these practices really are. Not to worry, DNA* is here to help reboot and redefine the way you hire making it easier, more efficient, and cost effective. So, ditch these habits and join us revolutionizing the way we hire:
Prioritizing Degrees Over Skills: Only considering candidates with a specific degree or educational background narrows your talent pool. Someone who is self taught or has a nontraditional education background can very likely have all the skills and experience you are looking for.
Unrealistic Expectations: Finding a unicorn candidate may not always be possible. Determining which qualifications are a “nice to have” or a “must have” allows you to widen your talent pool.
Ghosting: Not responding to candidates that are in the application process for your role is not only a horrible reflection on your organization, it is also disrespectful of the time and effort taken by the candidate to apply and/or interview. At the very least, send a quick email letting them know that they will not be continuing on in the process.
Drawn Out Interview Processes: Interview processes that go beyond 3 interview rounds are inefficient, wasting valuable time and money. Creating an interview plan that allows you to effectively assess candidates in the least amount of time will not only save you valuable resources but also allow you to access top talent and stay competitive in the job market.
Lack of Transparency: Withholding information or being unclear about salary, interview process, roles and responsibilities, and expectations poorly reflects on your company’s brand. It also can cause you to waste time interviewing just to have an offer declined due to misalignment.
Bias & Assumptions: Whether consciously or not, we've all been guilty of allowing our biases and assumptions to guide us into making hasty judgments. To prevent this from affecting your hiring decisions, it's crucial to approach the process with curiosity by taking the time to ask thoughtful questions.
Overlooking Potential: The perfect candidate rarely exists. Sometimes, you need to find someone who has the potential to become the unicorn you are looking for by supporting them in their role and providing them with the tools they need to advance their skill sets and knowledge.
Join us on DNA* and say goodbye to these restrictive and costly hiring practices. Our features for candidates and company reps were made to increase diversity, curiosity, transparency, and efficiency in talent acquisition. Our skills based approach to displaying candidate experience and capabilities allows companies to ensure they are not missing out on the right person to do the job and that they can reduce the time to hire.